Maintenance - Operations application

Maintenance - Operations application

This page is used for documentation on the maintenance flow within the Operations application. The Operations application is your tool to create, update and progress workorders in a mobile environment which enables on site availability of information.


  • A user can log-in using it's concern code. This is the same (3-letter) code as used when directing to the Maxxton Software, for instance abc.maxxton.net. ABC would be the concern code of your organization.
  • The required log-in and password are the same ones as used in Newyse / Maxxton Software.

Note: Permissions are needed in order to log-in. Please contact our support department in order to arrange this.


  • The user can change the language setting here.
  • The location the user is working on that day, can be selected here as well.
  • There is a 'help' section where the icons and their definitions are listed.

Workorder dashboard

  • Entering the dashboard after log-in gives you an overview of the workorders on your location. Explanation on the filters to be found in the 'info' section at your profile.
  • The calendar can be used to filter out workorders with a start date after the selected date.
  • Located on the right top, you can tap your profile button in order to move there.

Workorder list view

  • After selecting a filter in the dashboard, the user will enter the list view of all workorders applying to that filter.
  • There are possibilties to unfold all workorder cards at once, enter a map view, sort the list or search within the list.
  • The orange + can be used to add a workorder.
  • The information that is shown in the header:
    • Orange (or green depending on the filter) circle including first letter of the location
    • Unit name
    • Occupancy status of the unit
    • Expected start date
    • Unassigned icon (optional). In case this icon is showed, you can slide to the left on this workorder to assign it to yourself.
    • Piority icon (optional)
    • Early Check-in icon (optional)
  • The reported workorder is shown in the folded version. When unfolded, more details will be shown such as workorder item, assignee, occupancy details and workorder status.

Workorder map view

  • After selecting the map icon in list view, user will enter this screen.
  • The markers will show the units on the map view whenever coordinates have been configured in the Maxxton Software.
  • A red marker means that at least one workorder is of priority urgent.
  • The number in the markers represents the amount of workorders on that accommodation in that specific filter.
  • Tapping on such a marker will show the same information as described in the workorder list view

Workorder unit view

  • The user enters this screen after selecting a workorder from the list/map view.
  • There are three sections that show here:
    • Selected workorder. This is the workorder selected from the previous list/map view.
    • More workorders. These are more to-do workorders on the unit.
    • Completed workorders. These are the three most recently closed workorders in order to see repetitive issues within the units.
  • The content in the cards is similar to the content in the list/map view. In the unfolded version we're also showing the workorder area within the accommodation.
  • The orange + can be used to add a workorder. As the application knows in which unit the user is located, the first three fields (location, accommodation type and unit) will automatically fill.

Workorder detail view

  • The user enters this screen after selecting a workorder from the unit view.
  • The orange header contains two buttons:
    • On hold. This will give the user the opportunity to set a workorder to hold in case you're waiting for parts to be delivered. Via adding details, you can insert the reason and adjust the next expected startdate to keep the dashboard filters clean.
    • Edit. This will give the user the opportunity to edit the workorder details.
  • Different content is shown within the card as the workorder category and presence of a pet is shown.

Progress workorder

  • Once user hits the start button, there is the possibility to add materials, solutions, pictures and working minutes. 

Completed workorder detail view

  • Once the user completed a workorder, the user will be redirected to this screen.
  • A summary is shown on the recently completed workorder.
  • There is a possibility to edit some parts of this completed workorder such as the solution and the pictures.
  • When hitting the back button, the application will check if there are more open workorders on that unit. If yes, it will redirect to the unit view again.

Completed filter

This screen lists all workorders completed by the user within the x amount of days that can be set using the calendar button.

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