Maintenance - Invoicing work orders

Maintenance - Invoicing work orders

Once work orders are progressed through the Maxxton Operations app (or Maxxton Software), those can be financially progressed to charge costs to whatever construction there is. To be able to financially progress; there are a few mandatory conditions to do so:

  • The invoice date should be selected.
  • The work order status should be "Ready for invoice"
  • The payer type should be selected. Maxxton supports the below payer types:
    • Owner: in this case, the owner receives the invoice below the year-round reservation.
    • Guest: in this case, the guest receives the invoice below the actual guest reservation.
    • Maintenance fund: in this case, the owner agreed upon a fond and a max fund per work order with the renting organization. If the price of the invoice is below the max fund per work order, the invoice will be taken from the maintenance fund until the max fond is reached within a year.

Optionally, the user can also add a work order invoice description that will be matched with the labour part, so what's actually done in terms of labour to fix the issue.

How to prepare a work order for invoicing?

Required permission

The required permission in order to see the invoice functionalities in Operations Manager is "Operations Manager - Invoicing".

  1. The invoice dashboard (see screenshot 1) is showing few filters, those will be discussed below:
    1. Ready for invoice → all configuration is set to start invoicing.
    2. Missing configuration → means either the invoice date, payer type or work order status is missing.
    3. Error during invoice → means all work orders that couldn't be invoiced for some reason.
    4. Closed → all work orders with status closed
  2. When the user moves to the missing configuration filter, there is a batch option to set configuration for the mandatory settings (payer, invoice date, status). See screenshot 2.
  3. Additionally, the invoice description can be filled in the work order detail drawer. See screenshot 3.
  4. Once all config is done, the user can invoice through two options.
    1. Single via the work order detail drawer. Validations are in place here, so if it's not possible you probably miss some configuration. See screenshot 4.
    2. In bulk using the selection checkboxes. Less validations are in place here, so the possibility of ending with a work order in status 'error on invoice' is higher. Therefore, it's advised to only use the bulk feature through the 'Ready for invoice' filter as those are all correctly configured. See screenshot 5.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

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