Print barrier/key cards and templates using batch update



Purpose of this article is to explain how to use the Reservation batch for printing barrier cards, key cards and templates for multiple reservations in the Front office manager.





There is currently one permission allowing the user to print barrier/key cards. There is no permission needed for printing reports.


How to print barrier/key cards for multiple reservations

  1. Select the reservations you want to have a card printed > there is a limit of max one card per booked accommodation and a total limit of max 1000 reservations per batch update.

  2. Click on the button Print barrier/key card.

  3. Use the default displayed printer or select another one.

  4. Click on print to start the print proces. You can close the pop up or wait till the print proces is finished.

  5. The details of printed/failed cards can be find in the Reservation batch history in the same Check-in/out page.

How to print template/report for multiple reservations

  1. Select the reservations you want to have a report printed. There is a max limit of 1000 reservations per batch update.

  2. Click on the button Print report.

  3. Select a report and click on print.

  4. The print proces starts now, you can close the pop up or wait till the print proces is finished.

  5. Once the print proces is finished you can download the pdf file by clicking on the download button

  6. The details of printed/failed reports can be find in the Reservation batch history in the same Check-in/out page.

  7. If you have closed the pop up during the print proces, you can also download the pdf file from the Reservation batch history page.